Sunday, March 19, 2017

Winter or Spring?

Many jokes circulate about weather patterns that change so quickly as to make our heads spin, However, I read recently that here in Ohio we have a genuine cause for this phenomenon. It seems that we're often found at the bottom edge of northern weather patterns or at the top of southern weather patterns. That explains a lot! But this year, it has been even more variable. I think we've covered all four seasons within a week's time several times over.

But over all, this winter has been milder than usual, even if it does keep trying to come back to haunt us. When ever the weather warms for a few days, I have to run out to see what's in bloom. Invariably, those same blooms will quickly droop when the temps drop rapidly soon thereafter.

It's only mid March, so I suppose that the roller coaster weather patterns will continue for some time yet. That's okay. I don't expect much from March garden-wise. It could all get buried in snow again soon. Or we could get a warm spell, and every blooming tree will pop. You just never know in central Ohio in March. That's why I tend to pamper a few indoor blooms this time of year.

I did go ahead and purchase most of the seeds I'll need for the garden. Cool season veggie crops can go in soon, actually. And we grow lots of those, including carrots, radishes, lettuce, spinach, kohlrabi, and sugar snap peas. Of course I ordered my flower seeds too. I also picked up various summer tubers for planting when the weather gets truly warm. Meanwhile, these simple early spring bulbs will keep me happy.

Is it winter or is it spring? Who knows? I guess we'll all just have to hang on for the ride. All I know is it's slowing greening up, and that's progress. Don't be too dazzled by the flowers you see here. Most are small and barely noticeable to anyone but me. I suppose you can see the daffodils from the road. But only when they aren't being weighed down by snow.

Maybe someday the weather will make up its mind?