I tend to "brag" that my plantings have filled in so much that weeds don't have much room to sneak in. Ha! Somehow they manage to find those few little bare spots. Isn't it funny how the weeds manage to hide themselves from us till they are a foot high? How do they do that? I'm trying to take it slow, and do just a bit at a time.
The good part is that the veggie garden weeds are much easier to pull. Hubby built new raised beds in the fall, so we just filled them with fresh soil this spring, so the dirt is light and fluffy yet. Weeds can be pulled with no effort at all. It's been cool and rainy this year, so the spring vegetables have been growing like crazy. I haven't had much luck growing spinach in the past, but this year, wow! Lettuce and radishes have done well too, so there has been plenty of fresh, crunchy salad to enjoy. For some reason, my sugar snap peas did not come up this year, so I replanted. They are finally starting to peek out, but now it's getting warm enough that they may not do as well. I did put in the summer heat lovers a few days ago. Now bring on the warmth!

The spring bulbs have all faded now, and the regular perennials are starting to pop. Every time I turn around, another one is starting its show. It's wonderful to see.
There are still a few flowering trees and shrubs to enjoy. Are you familiar with the Chinese Fringe tree? I just love this one! It smells like jasmine in bloom, has nice green glossy leaves all summer, and then the leaves turn a beautiful golden color in the fall.
We had a late frost this year, but I didn't fall for it. I stuck with mid May for my planting of warm weather annuals, There were many people out covering up their tomato plants and things like that. All I had to do was tuck a few containers into the garage.
I've had a lot of bird visitors in the yard this year. I often say that I don't feed the birds. Well, I do feed the hummingbirds. And I like to put out a finch sock full of nyjer seeds, because the goldfinches are so cheerful and bright. And now I have bluebirds hanging around my garden, so I thought I should put out mealworms for those too. I have a birdbath, of course. And there are some kind of birds in my birdhouse for the first time. Maybe I should admit that I feed the birds, huh? After all, I'm named after a bird.
What does May look like in your neighborhood? Here in Robin's Nest, it's glorious!