I'm here, I'm here! I know I've been slacking here on my blog. But I think you'll find the same is true for many garden bloggers this time of year. Instead of talking about our gardens, we're actually out there enjoying them. But I have to admit, I might be shirking in that department also. You see, it's been a very hot and steamy summer, with no rain to cool off a weary gardener.
Yes, I know, I should get out into the garden early before it gets too hot. Perhaps I *should* do this, but it doesn't mean I will. I'm not much of a morning person, and it's very hard for me to be up early and motivated. I'd rather linger over the morning paper with my cup of tea by my side.
This means that weeds are taking advantage of the situation, and growing vigorously. Some of my garden plants may be stunted by the dry spell, but weeds could care less about a drought. I'm looking at you dandelions! Lawns are drying up, shrubs are fading, flowers are giving up. The garden hose and I are getting to be really good friends, as I spend time every day giving everything a good, long drink.
If this sounds an awful lot like last month's post, I apologize. The drought is even worse now, one month later. Some parts of the city have gotten rain here and there, but it always misses us here in Robin's Nest. The funny thing is that despite the dry weather, the humidity is through the roof. Working out in the yard is just not pleasant this summer. Perhaps I'm a fair weather gardener. Well, I own that title. You won't often find me outside working in this much humid heat. Still, something has got to be done about that mess out there!
Even the plants that don't get watered regularly are crying out for my help. The vegetable garden is fading fast, despite my supplemental watering. Luckily the tomatoes are still looking good and putting out plenty of fruit. We've had plenty of cucumbers, but now the plants are dying quickly. I just can't get a handle on the cucumber problem every summer. I've heard that floating row covers are the answer, and I'm not sure why I haven't tried it. I guess I just don't know enough about how it all works. How do floating row covers, which have to be removed for pollination, do me any good at this part of the summer? This is when the plants always die! And I call myself a master gardener. Ha!
To combat the gloom and doom of this garden report, I'm highlighting photos of the spots that carry on despite the heat and dry weather. I just can't bear to photograph the rough spots.
Like last year, I've been raising a couple of monarch caterpillars. This time, I started from the beginning, with eggs found in my own garden, so it's extra special to me. I'll be sure to post more of them next time. I find it so thrilling, especially when it gets to the butterfly part.
I wrote all of the above yesterday, and last night we actually did get a good rain. What was shocking to me was that I slept right through it! I would have liked to see this wonderful thing. An inch and a quarter sounds wonderful, but I hear we are three inches below normal. Let's hope for more. Maybe that way, I can put up a more uplifting post next time around!