Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thinking about Roses

I've been thinking about my roses. You see, I am quite famous for my roses here in the neighborhood. My home is on the corner lot, and the long, east side of it faces out onto the street. East facing gardens are ideal for roses, so they line that whole side, right where the neighbors can enjoy them. I didn't plan it for them actually, but it was a happy accident nonetheless.
I am an organic gardener for the most part. But no matter how I try, I cannot manage the blackspot without a little boost of fungal spray. Otherwise, I use organic methods for my pretties. I use purchased organic fertilizer, and generous amounts of coffee grounds from Starbucks. Occasionally, I apply crushed egg shells and banana peels to the soil.
 I've even tried purchasing ladybugs to keep the aphids at bay, but they mostly flew away. Still, the natural population of ladybugs here is fairly good.
But the worst problem for me are the dreaded Japanese beetles that arrive every year to devour my favorite blooms. And before you tell me to treat the grubs in my lawn, I have to make it clear that we don't have a problem with grubs. What no one seems to remember is that Japanese beetles can fly, and travel right over to my delicious roses after they hatch from the other grub filled lawns!
My solution is an easy one, but it's rather gross. I simply patrol the roses every day, wearing a plastic glove, and holding a cup of soapy water to drown them in.
With all that being said, I would still like the roses to be even better. I found many of the canes to be bare at the bottom. So I'll study up on that. Do you think I should actually *read* that lovely rose book I purchased? Yes, I think I will. After all, they are the fairest of the flowers.


  1. How wonderful to look at these beauties on a day when the chill is back with us. I too am starting to miss the roses in the garden. Mine were trying to sprout with the recent warm up, along with the daffodils and hyacinths.

  2. I'd surely notice all of your beautiful roses if I lived in your neighborhood. I think we'd become fast friends over those roses indeed!

  3. Hello there Robin girl !
    I wish I could see your roses in person : ) They look stunning .. I have become a bit more rose obsessed myself .. I love white roses that are highly fragrant .. all my roses should be but I have a couple that aren't like Morden Sunrise, but it is so hardy and so pretty I forgive it for that ? LOL
    A Canadian company called Hortico has a liquid all natural compound that fits fungus and some bugs and believe this or not .. if you use this product, they guarantee the roses for 2 years ! It is called Hortic-Grow and it lasts a long time (one part to 100 parts) .. that is the link but just google Hortico if it doesn't work and you will find it.
    I am seriously thinking of getting it because I have quite a few roses from that company.
    Gorgeous pictures girl ! Which is your favorite white rose ?
    Joy : )

  4. Your neighbors are very fortunate! You have a marvelous variety of roses. I salute your organic methods. I wish I had more roses. Most are doomed by my humid, fungus laden atmosphere, and the rest won't grow in my shade. I do have a few stalwarts in the limited sunny parts of my garden and am alway dreaming of where I can put another one.

  5. Somehow, Robin, I have missed some of your posts, so I am glad to that let a nice comment. I enjoyed your rose post because it has such good information, not to mention beautiful roses photos. We do miss them don't we? I do get aphids and but I don't get grubs or japanese beetles. I do get yellow leaf. My one David Austin suffered so badly that she didn't bloom. I have to decide if it a watering problem or nutrition. I probably should save coffee grounds. My husband pays enough for special grind flavored gourmet coffee. love you post, today.

  6. So beautiful! I know it is work to grow them, but they are SO worth it! <3
    Thanks for sharing!
    God bless....Brooke
    My home and garden site...
    My Vintage Art and Printables site...

  7. Robin, Your roses are quite lovely, and you do well with the methods you have chosen. I am so ready for spring to get here, but you already know that, because you visited my last post. Enjoy your book!

  8. Lovely roses, dear Robin ... and your header is outstanding! Happy New Year and Happy Gardening fun friend :)

  9. Hi Robin,
    your roses are sooo wonderful!
    But we have to wait til June for the blooming. I hope instantly that all my roses will
    overlive the winter.

    Happy New Year to you and a happy new garden year too - without bad beetles!!

  10. Seeing beautiful roses was just what I needed on this cold (very cold) January day. The Japanese Beetles weren't too hard on my roses last year but they destroyed ALL of my Impatiens. When you hand pick them, don't they fly off? That's what seems to happen to me.

  11. Well, I think your roses are awesome. However, we can always learn more. That's the fascinating thing about gardening.~~Dee


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