Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Race is On

Tuesday it snowed. Just a little, but it was enough to stick for a few hours. By Sunday, it was 80 degrees. With roller coaster weather like that, I guess I'll just have to hold on and enjoy the ups and downs. Luckily, there are more ups than downs now. In about three weeks, it will be time to plant summer flowers and vegetables. It's hard to believe. Honestly, I'll probably put things off an extra week or so, just to be safe. After all, the chill doesn't seem quite ready to let go this year.
The race to garden is on! We may still have a few frosts, but the deep chill is gone. There are plenty of garden tasks to attend to in spring. Spring crops can go in the ground, winter clean up continues, perennials are often safe to plant, and there are pansies and other cool weather flowers to plant.
But the best part of spring is watching all the flowers bloom. It seems like every day there is a new surprise.
Just today, I found myself actually holding a new tulip in my hand just to admire it. It's petals are so soft and velvety.
You'd think I'd get used to it. You'd think I wouldn't get excited every single time a new flower pops up. But I do!
I'm trying to be a little wiser this year. I know I shouldn't try to do everything at once. I'm taking a different approach. Instead of gardening for hours at a time, I just do a little each day. My muscles will surely thank me, don't you think?
Remember, a tortoise can win the race just as easily as the hare! 


  1. Wow, that is extreme Spring weather. The plants don't seem to mind and you have some beautiful photos. The water drops look lovely on flowers. Spring flowers are just so pretty!

    1. I try not to grow fussy plants that balk at every change in weather. Spring plants know that they might get chilled, so they are pretty tough. Snow, sun, whatever, they can take it!

  2. I love seeing all your flowers appear...looks like your area is about two weeks ahead of us with all the flowers that are showing up already. Spring bulbs are just now blooming here, but nothing else. Love the checkered lilies...had never seen those before!

    1. Melanie, maybe you should order some checkered lilies yourself, they are lots of fun! Just google them, because I don't remember exactly where I ordered them.

  3. I just love those checkered lilies, they are just weird enough to make me happy. But I've never seen them in stores, I have to order them online. Spring will be there soon, don't worry!

  4. What a variety of Spring blooms you have. I have always wanted those checkered tulips, they are kwerky. You said you found them online?

    1. I did get them online somewhere, but I don't remember where! I just did a google shopping search for them. They really are fairly common, you should be able to find them. I never have seen them in stores though.

  5. Okay, you have inspired plant lust in me as well. I need more pushkinia! Such an abundance of blooms in your garden today. I so agree that spring is all about the surprises.

    1. Pushkinia, huh? I've always called them squill. I have the package saved somewhere, but I'm always too lazy to dig through that to find out for sure! LOL

  6. You have so many pretty bulbs blooming. I just loved all the double tulip you showed on Facebook. They are my favorite. I have just got to get with it and plant more in the garden this fall. I planted three container full outide last fall and they are not even coming up. I keep hoping they are late bloomers. LOL!

    1. There are a lot of things that I keep hoping are late bloomers. My brand new redbud is still sleeping, while all the other redbuds in the world are blooming. I think I'd better face that it's dead. You're right, those double tulips are gorgeous!

  7. Robin you are so right ... I appreciate the advice from your comment on my blog too! .. The garden will still be there even when I have to take a rest. You have so much more out and blooming right now though and it all looks wonderful !!
    I might just have to do those checkered bulbs one year ... I have always wondered about them and yours looks so pretty!
    Joy : )

    1. You should go ahead and order some checkered lilies, they are lots of fun to see in bloom! Don't worry girl, your spring blooms will eventually arrive.

  8. Your spring garden is beautiful, Robin. I agree, we never get accustomed to the delights of a new springtime, thank goodness. For health reasons, I am gardening for just an hour or two each day this season, and trying to control my impatience. Your words are encouraging. P. x

    1. It is my own health issue that made me post that about taking it easy on gardening. My back will no tolerate the endless hours of bending over like it once did, so I just have to take it slow and easy like I know you do too.

  9. You have so many beautiful spring blooms, Robin! The tulips are so lovely! I plant them only in pots. Squirrels can dig them out, and I always forget to put a net on top. Today, I watched a squirrel checking the potato which I just planted.

    1. I don't have to worry about squirrels in my garden just yet, because there are none in my neighborhood. It's a new subdivision, and the trees are still too small to house them. But we're about ten years old now, and another friend said the squirrels finally showed up in her neighborhood when they hit about 15 years. They can stay away if they want!

  10. We are well into late spring now, and I still get excited when I see a new flower emerging. You have a lot of lovely blooms, and your fritillaries are so cute. I love anything with checks!

    1. You've got to get yourself some checkered lilies, they are so unique and cute to boot!

  11. Great photos - your weather sounds a lot like ours!

    1. The weather has been so volatile for so long, it's hard to believe that real summer will ever arrive!

  12. You have a lot of beautiful color in your garden. And know that the race is on


    1. Thank you Jen! I do like lots of color in my life, in the garden, my home and even my wardrobe. It just makes me smile.

  13. Hi Robin,
    A year ago today, it snowed in the morning, but by evening, it had mostly melted. I am right with you in being excited to see what new things are popping up, marveling at how much things have grown, and just being excited to be able to be outside more. We've had some cold, rainy days, which have been good for the plants, but I'm ready for the 70s they are predicting for the next week.

    1. Even though winter is finally over, the chill seems to want to hang on tight. Maybe some day we'll have warm weather again.

  14. Your spring blooms are gorgeous, Robin! It seemed to take forever for my garden to come alive this year! But it's full of blooms now (we have so many plants in common!), as well as the!

    1. Spring is a crazy time for us gardeners, so excited as each new bloom arrives, but overwhelmed at the work that needs to be done!

  15. That ruffly-pink tulip is to die for. I love it. Actually all your flowers are absolutely gorgeous. I think I need to get some Fritillarias. I love that checkered, dangling beauty. What strange weather you've had. I'm so glad it's all behind you now. (Fingers crossed.) It's time to garden!

    1. My ruffly tulips have sentimental value too, besides being beautiful. I love, love, love them! I'm so excited that it's finally time to garden, but overwhelmed too. So much work to do! Luckily the rewards are fantastic.


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