Saturday, February 26, 2022

February, Wintertime

 When your blog is mostly devoted to your garden, and you live in the north where the garden sleeps all winter, it doesn't leave much to show off this time of year! I called last month's post the Quiet of January, but February has been even more so. 

It's been extra cold this month, so the blooms I often see at the end of February consist of one tiny clump of crocus. I'll take it! Many of my bulbs are poking up green shoots, and of course the sedum Angelina looks colorful like it always does this time of year. This is the entirety of my garden interest right now. 

We had such a nasty ice storm at the beginning of the month. Areas north of us had heavy snow, which is a pain, but easily removed. Instead, we had 4-5 hours of freezing rain, followed by over 12 hours of sleet, which piled up like snow. Our doors were frozen shut, and only the garage could be opened. The driveway was a skating rink, with four inches of frozen sleet which would not budge, even with a snowblower. My smaller car was trapped in the garage, but luckily hubby's SUV would slide itself down the driveway. For three days straight, we didn't even dare to walk to the mailbox. It took a full two weeks to melt away. What a complete mess! 

Later in the month, we had a more normal snowfall, so I went to the park to get a few snow pix. I'm still waiting for a big, fluffy snowfall that will be photo worthy. 

Most of my time at home during the winter is spent working on crafts, doing yoga, reading and practicing my piano. I finished a couple of blankets, some scarves, and a paint by number butterfly. My crafting to-do list isn't as long as usual this year, so I need to figure out what else I should make. 

Even though my garden has little to show off this month, I am dreaming about it. I have successfully gathered all of my seeds, which means that my flowers and veggies will eventually become reality. Right now, they're still in the dream stage. But so many of my beauties are right now waiting for me inside these packets. It thrills me every year. 

Have you seen the Van Gogh Immersive Experience in your nearby big city? I did recently, and was thoroughly impressed. I sat through two full showings, my eyes wide with wonder the whole time. What a moving experience! If you get a chance to go, do it. You won't be sorry. These still photos don't really do it justice, it was the moving and transforming of the giant screens that leaves you transfixed. 

The sunsets have been stellar this month, and I have made a few trips down to the pond to see them in person. Even the "average" sunsets are better when I'm there, listening to the birds and the quiet. When I'm too busy making dinner, or just too cold, I just catch them out the window. I suppose you could say it's a mindfulness practice, to stop and notice each one. Let's see if I can successfully attach the little video I made at the pond one night. Hmmm, it worked but it remains small. Well, you'll get the idea. 

I appreciate everyone who checks in with my little blog each month. I'm sure happy to see you! Small garden blogs don't make much impact anymore, since social media has grown so large. I do try to post some of my garden photos on Instagram, but now they emphasize reels, which are mini movies, so photography doesn't really get much notice. And still I do it, for my own satisfaction! If you'd like to see more of my photos, you can follow me here. Robin's Nest on Instagram Thanks for stopping by. By the time you see my next post at the end of March, there should be a fair amount of flowers for me to show off. 


  1. I don't do Instagram - but there are various groups on Facebook I belong to. Sharing my posts there brings me some readers.
    Do you read Pam at Digging's blog? She runs a garden bloggers group on FB, mostly USA based but not only.


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