Sunday, December 31, 2023

December Holidays

 It doesn't seem much like December this year, there's still no sign of snow. But the holidays came and went without the snow. Whatever holiday you celebrate, or none at all, I hope you were able to be with loved ones. I know it can be a tough time of year for some. And I hope the New Year is good to you! We'll have a quiet night at home, as we usually do. We've already had our New Year's lunch date, to avoid the crowds. Our beloved family has already been here to celebrate the season, so all is quiet.  

Despite the mild weather, the only life I see outdoors is this pot of pansies, and a single scabiosa, better known as pincushion flower. Perhaps this will be the year that my pansy pot lives through the entire winter. Personally, I'd like a bit of real winter, particularly some pretty white snow. But most people here don't agree with me. 

Christmas keeps me busy with preparations, but I did finish one crochet project, this matching set of colorful wrap shawls. One is for my own use, and one was gifted to a friend. The dolls are something I made LONG ago for my daughter. But they were recently rescued from the basement, and refurbished. I kept one for myself, but the rest were returned to my grown daughter. I had forgotten how much detail I put into my handmade dolls! Besides giving them as gifts, I used to sell them at craft fairs, along with handmade teddy bears. They were always such fun projects to complete. 

I always start my holiday decorating with the outdoors.  I think the reason that I enjoy decorating outside so much is because it feels a little like gardening, at a time when there's no gardening left to do. I'll leave most of this greenery in place until March, although the red touches will have to go. 

I'm one of those people we loves her Christmas decorations, but loves even more when it's time to put them away! I find holiday decorations to be cluttered, even though I remove the regular items before putting them out. But once I put them all away, the whole house feels fresh and clean, and ready for the new year. I completed this task just yesterday. Ahhhhh. 

And so we say goodbye to 2023 by admiring a few sunsets and sunrises. May the coming year be filled with magic, and an endless stream of beautiful skies to watch! I appreciate those of you who come to visit my little blog each month. Hope to see you here again next year! 


  1. Beautiful Robin! I love your style

    1. Thanks Cindy! I know I’m a little funky, and it never fits what a designer would do. But it’s just “me”!

  2. Love the sky photos Robin and I also love your little dolls, I would have been tickled pink to have one as a child ! Will you show your teddy bear ones some time ?

    1. I know you’re a sky lover like me! I only managed to rescue one of my handmade teddy bears, and passed it on to my daughter. I’ll try to remember have her photograph it.

  3. Our Christmas tree and the straw stars in the bay window will stay till Twelfth Night.

    1. I’d never make it to Twelfth Night, I’m always in a rush for my decorations to get put away. I’m not sure why, especially considering that I do love my decorations. But I just don’t want them out for long.

  4. Your home looks so festive and inviting for the holidays and I love your sense of style. May 2024 bring you happiness, good health and joy!

    1. Thank you so much Lee, may the new year be good to all of us!


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