Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winter Wears On

Winter is starting to wear me down, which is funny when you think that the end isn't too far away. But can I make it through the next month or so? Last year, I had Siberian iris blooming by the end of February, but I doubt we'll see that again this year. It's cold and snowy, day after day. Phooey.
 Still, hubby and I keep remarking on the nearness of spring. "Soon it will time to plant peas" I said today. "Won't be long till I'm out fertilizing the lawn" said hubby.
It means we have hope! Spring will come, eventually. Do you think I can hold on till then? Or will I burst out crying next time it starts snowing again?
I think the biggest problem is that it's so darned cold all the time. Oh I know. I should wear a sweater, and slippers, and sit with a blanket around me. Well, I do all of those things and I'm still cold! And what happens when you have to go out into the world? Brrrrr!
Well, I'll make it through, I always do. I have my seeds all ready to go, and the plans for this years garden are all swirling around in my head. I'll be taking my Master Gardener classes in the spring, so I am fully expecting to be really, really geared up for a big garden year. Becoming a Master Gardener also means I'll be out working on the community gardens around town to fulfill my volunteer obligation. But that won't feel like work to me.
So throw your worst at me Old Many Winter, I'm ready. But if you'd consider leaving early, I'd consider it a personal favor. Got it?


  1. I am so sick of winter too, Robin! It is still very cold here, mostly gray skies, and snow on the ground. No signs of spring anywhere yet. I can't wait until we can just go outside and putter in our yards and take care of our flowers and veggies. So you will be taking Master Gardener classes? That's awesome!

  2. Oh girl I feel your pain. LOL! I love looking at those lovely Irises and the tulips from last year. So beautiful! Well I guess we will have to face it that last spring was a fluke. LOL! I am excited to hear that you are going to be taking classes. You go girl!

  3. I see spring in your pictures. Hang in there! Sorry to hear about your knee. On a good note though bicycling must be so fun!

  4. I'm always cold too, and I live in the South! I would love to take a Master Gardeners course; hopefully I can do that when I retire. Hang onto your dreams, and before you know it, spring will be there!

  5. Hi Robin, you seem to have a load of issues with the winter's chill. Having said that I think you are impatient to start your Master Gardener's course and can't wait to sow your seeds and till the soil ;) Happy gardening!

  6. Hi Robin! Our winter is very mild, but I am tired of it too!

  7. You will love your MG classes and I'm so glad you finally have time for them! I have so enjoyed being an MG this past year and a half :) That OH weather sure can be difficult (I know, since my parents lived there for over 20 yrs). Hang in there, the snow will be gone eventually and you'll be so busy you'll be wishing for a cold, snowy day to just hang around and relax & do nothing :)

  8. Beautiful!! Our winter is no winter!! already in the 80s!!

  9. We have daffodils blooming and I always think of you when I see them!

  10. Your crocus are especially dear to me, since my parents grew them. They used to poke up through the snow in Wisconsin.

  11. As always, your garden is beautiful!


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